Masjid Al-Ummah will offer

Masjid Al-Ummah will offer

10 February 2025
Establish Masjid Al-Ummah as a modern islamic space, that serves as a self-sustaining hub for prayer, education, well-being, and thriving community cohesion.

Place of Worship: Dedicated prayer halls for men and women, accommodating five daily prayers, Jummah, Taraweeh, Eid Salah, and non-obligatory worship. These halls will create a welcoming and peaceful environment, ensuring accessibility for individuals of all abilities.

Mortuary Services: A modern facility for ghusl and janazah prayers, with a cold room and support for the burial process.

Soup Kitchen: Regularly supporting the needy by hosting charity events and inviting the vulnerable to share meals.

Education: Classrooms and training rooms to host Quran classes, parenting workshops, professional skills development, and Islamic studies for all age groups.

Quran Hifaz Programme: Dedicated resources to nurture future generations of Quran Hafiz and future khateebs.

Recreation: A multi-purpose sports hall and segregated gym facilities to promote healthy living and provide a safe space for youth engagement.

Games Room: Dedicated spaces for pool, table tennis, and video gaming to foster youth engagement in a safe environment.

Digital Library and Study Hubs: Quiet areas equipped with digital resources for work, study, and Islamic research.

Café and Social Hub: A coffee shop to encourage social interaction, particularly for women and the elderly, with access to media and IT resources.

Peace Garden: A tranquil, well-maintained outdoor space for reflection and connecting with nature.

Nursery: A Montessori-style facility for children aged 2–5, focusing on Islamic values and early development.

Health Room: A space for regular health checks and community wellness events conducted by local professionals.

Social Media Room: A green room with equipment for social media content creation, available for public hire.

Outreach Events: Expos and interfaith initiatives to raise awareness about Islam and build stronger community ties.

Reception Area: A welcoming entrance with seating and multi-purpose spaces for socialising.

Parking: Facilities for up to 40 cars, ensuring ease of access for visitors.

24/7 Support Line: Emergency assistance for faith-related or social issues, accessible to the wider community.